When there is a lot of food in the drive-in, which should you choose? Thus, you can get a lot of food at other places. So, you must ensure you pick the right food to avoid becoming overweight. Yawitz, a dietician and the business owner of a fitness gym, says the milkshake has too many calories. It has more calories than what she eats in the whole day. Moreover, it is more than six times that of the everyday limit. It also states from her point of view, she will not order anything. It is because the food on the Sonic menu is unhealthy. She did say that specific food choices are healthier than the rest.

“The food has a lot of saturated fat and extra sugar.”
She states. Other options on the menu have a lot of protein. Most of them also have a lot of sodium and fatty acids. Yawitz says you should opt for food low in calories and sodium. The dietician at Omni shares what you should order when eating at Sonic.
What to Eat at Sonic ?

Kids’ Crispy Tenders
If you need to know what chicken tenders you should eat. Thus, there should be a first time for something different. The menu has lower calories and fats in it. It comes in at 180 calories and only 8g of fat.” Yawitz state. “Surprisingly, it is also low in sodium. Thus, it should cut down to 500 mg in every three meals. It is one of the best options at the fast food restaurant.
Plain Junior Burger
Do you need more chicken fingers? Try to go for an ordinary junior burger. This burger only has 330 calories in it. Moreover, it has about 15g of fat, with 710mg of sodium and 14g of protein. It is the most healthy burger on the whole food menu. It is low on protein, so add other foods to the menu.
Slinger Chicken Bites
This burger does not have any nutrition in it, but it is a relatively healthy option. One of each sandwich has 350 calories. If you want to reduce the amount of fat in it, eat it without mayonnaise. You can skip the bun’s top part and eat it as a sandwich. That way, it will cut down on the amount of carbs.
Double Cheeseburger
This burger has no nutrition, but this is a good option if you don’t have a choice. The burger has a significant source of protein, while you cut down a lot of carbs.
Crispy Tenders
These crispy tenders come with protein, carbs, and about 530 calories. By getting rid of the bun and going for chicken tenders, you get to cut down on calories. Get some carrots or salad for more fiber if you want to eat at home.
Bacon Burrito

Clevenger says if you wish to get breakfast at Sonic, try the bacon burrito. While bacon is bad for health, it should only take this issue occasionally. The experts release this statement.