How Does Elon Musk’s Brain Chip Function?


Have you ever thought about controlling the computer or phone with your brain? However, it is not impossible. Elon Musk, the big entrepreneur, announced that he created a brain chip. The name of the chip is Neuralink and they are put into the brain of a test subject.

Earlier on, Neuralink did their first implant on a volunteer patient. The implant can stimulate and record the electrical currents in the brain. It allows the user to control computer software with their brain. The patient, who is an unknown test subject, got the implant in the brain. That implant comes from a tiny chip which sends out neural signals.

How Does The Neuralink Brain Chip Work?

The whole device is made to replace human skill and go right into the person’s skin. Once the whole device is in place, there are 64 needle probes put into the brain. It creates more than one thousand communication channels. The communication channel is between the computer chip and the brain.

Once you set the communication channel, the device allows you to link to external devices. Which means, devices like the iPhone will be controlled through your mind. The device is also charged without wires. The whole device is also in clinical trials, and open to people that have spinal cord injury. Musk states that this product is called Telepathy. It is for people that have lost their limbs. If you wish to know if you are qualified for the clinical trials, join the patient registry.

How Does the Human Implant Patient Recover?

Based on Musk, the patient is having a speedy recovery. The initial results mean neurons functioning properly. It also means implants can get electrical impulses which the brain will use to move the body.

How Does Technology Help People to Go Through Neurological Disorders?

Overall, technology can have a great impact on people’s lives. People that have paralysis or stroke benefit from it. Most of the people regain a lot of lost abilities, like moving or typing. Neuralink also gives people a future where normal people wish to improve their memory or vision.

Challenges and Difficulties of Musk’s New Technology

While these goals are rather ambitious, the risks are there too. At least 42 people across the globe have these implants. However, none of them are as invasive as Musk’s Neuralink implants.

Four different lawmakers asked the committee to investigate whether Musk misled investors. It is due to monkeys with these implants having bad health effects. The technology creates important issues about the safety problems. It has a bad ethic impact. However, the brain chip has other issues as well. Musk states that people are going to become one with AI. He says he will insert the chip into his own head one day.

Main Takeaways

It is a game-changer which is in the whole BCI world. However, it also reveals a lot of different uncertainties. It does not matter if you are a fan or a critic, it is a fascinating technology. However, as it becomes better and there are different benefits and other risks. You must use it in an ethical manner. Thinking about Neuralink and its technology, there is more info about Brain Chip implants.

Michelle Marie
Michelle Marie
I am an Entrepreneur and a Professional Writer. Enjoy Writing and Music. Outgoing in Nature but Sometimes Prefer to Stay at Home.


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