Beyonce wins Nashville and Gets a Grammy Award


Beyonce is starting to go for country music. While anticipating her latest album, the entertainer releases two new singles. There is a big switch in her music genre. Thus, two albums are “Texas Hold Em” and “16 Carriages”. It soars up the whole streaming chart, with the previous debut hitting the top on the music charts.

When one of the best artists globally can change genres, it makes a difference. Some are related to Southern music, and it has to turn some heads. Beyonce has been doing R&B music for decades. It made critics go wild with a halftime Super Bowl show in 2016. Thus, the 2023 World Tour extensively showcases pride and glamour. It fits the evolution of a new world of country music.

Beyonce wins Nashville and Gets a Grammy Award
Image Source by CNN

Divas in Country Music

Nobody loves a diva who enjoys country music. Dolly Parton and Underwood are just the start. These top stars broke into country music in the 50s. Thus, they are now bringing people to heaven with a showcase of gems. Moreover, they also stunning the world by singing songs celebrating womanhood.

What makes divas different than other singers? There are looks, confidence, and glamor, which is a term. The term is for female singers with talent and fame, making them divine. It is the eyes of their families. Thus, they need a robust and influential voice like Whitney and Underwood. A diva is timeless and used to describe women with long-lived singing careers. Other terms make this term more complex. “Being a diva means having an amount of woman arrogance.” Newland writes for Vice. Speaking of Black divas, Bay Area Times states, “They are about love, dating and dancing. There is also trauma, transcendence and have control over men.”

Now, we are landing somewhere. With a great look and voice, divas are a total of dangerous things. They have talent and are full of themselves. It might not sound like country music. It is a genre monopolized by conservative notions, but who will make it to the top?

The Beyonce of Everything
Source by cnn

The Beyonce of Everything

Bold, bright, talented women are great company for Beyonce. She is the best-selling recording artist in history. Divas also have a strong footprint on culture. Beyonce also hit the country charts during a whole resurgence of glamour. There is fashion and feminity where you can get the best music. It is an excellent background for divas in the present and the future.

But if the diva only finishes the job once, she manages to get someone mad. “They have to create a mark, like a dog marking marks in the park. Dukes of Hazzard states in an OAN interview and uses Beyonce as an example. An example is for people who are killing country music. Apart from country music, Beyonce is not the first Black woman to go into country music. Martrell tries to create a great career by playing at a show in country music. However, she leaves Nashville. She received a lot of exploitation and discrimination. Turner is another diva who released a Grammy album in country music. Newcomers like Adell also released country albums with pop glam.

Lastly, the power of a diva is different. Everyone criticizes that the new album needs to be ‘country ‘more. However, there are Black country music lovers who are excited to hear Beyonce’s new album. There are long lists of stars that welcome Beyonce to join their team. She is one of them. News Source by CNN

Michelle Marie
Michelle Marie
I am an Entrepreneur and a Professional Writer. Enjoy Writing and Music. Outgoing in Nature but Sometimes Prefer to Stay at Home.


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